When you purchased your home, you agreed to be a part of a Homeowners Association. All owners are required to pay Association Fees in accordance with the governing documents of the Association. The fees may be due annually or monthly. They fund the operation and maintenance of the common property and are used to provide services for the benefit of all owners. An example of what your Association Fees may be used for are common area landscape maintenance, repair and maintenance of pools, playgrounds and equipment, street lights, insurance for the Association, and they provide for capital improvements desired by the Association.
The Association is a nonprofit corporation managed by a Board of Directors. During the development phase of the Association, the Board is made up of the development company. Once the developer is ready to transition the Association to the homeowners, an election will take place and homeowners will be voted in to serve on the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the oversight of the Association’s funds, the enforcement of the deed restrictions, collection of assessments, and the maintenance of common area property.
The management company is contracted by the Board of Directors to handle the day-to-day operations of the Association and to provide guidance to the Board. The Board of Directors make the final decisions regarding the Association and the management company is tasked with implementing the Board’s decisions and/or instructions.
‘Governing Documents’ for your association are the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions plus any Rules and Regulations, Resolutions or guidelines that have been established by your Association Board.
You should have received a full copy at, or prior to, closing on your home. If you need a copy you may log on to your Association website to purchase a copy. The Governing Documents are recorded instruments so they are also available through the county in which your Association is located.
It is part of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that you agreed to when you bought your home. Through this document, you agreed to certain standards of maintenance, upkeep and behavior in order to make the community as attractive as possible for yourself and your neighbors, and to maintain or enhance your property values. When you purchase a home in a deed-restricted community you automatically agree to comply with the restrictions then in place or that are properly established.
This process ensures that your intended improvement meets with your community’s standards as set forth in the Governing Documents and avoids the problems that arise from the construction of improvements and the use of colors or styles that conflict with others in your neighborhood.
It is the land owned by the Association for the use and enjoyment of the members and their invited guests. This includes facilities such as pools and playgrounds in single-family communities and hallways, exercise facilities, and building structures in condominium and townhomes.
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